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Broadband price whole world drops exceed 30% China broadband still exalted
From;    Author:Stand originally

On October 8, according to foreign media coverage, the newest data that comes from IP of TeleGeography research center to transmit appraisal to serve still shows: Price of Internet whole broadband the 2nd quarter dropped 2008 30% to 40% , also dropped the least in latin america city 15% to 20% .

2008 thousand aether of 1000Mbps of the 2nd quarter net broadband price, in main city of the United States and Europe from 10 dollars / Mbps arrives 14 dollars / Mbps differs. The price of the United States of price far outclass of Asian country and European country.

In the Asia, 2008 the 2nd quarter thousand aether network is main urban price, the 30 dollars from Seoul / the 30 dollars that Mbps reachs Tokyo every months / Mbp differs. IP broadband price is in latin america is taller even.

Because competitive aggravate reachs what equipment reachs traffic expenses to reduce, worldwide inside quickness of Internet whole transmission price drops. The person is open-eyed is, higher than a lot of prices area wants the United States and price of broadband of European Internet whole low. For example, from 2007 the 2nd quarter arrives price of port of net of aether of the 2nd quarter was in the United States 2008 each are big the city dropped 30% to 40% , dropped only in latin america city 15% to 20% .

"Difference makes clear, there still is very big fall in Asia and price of broadband of latin america IP space. " comment of ErikKreifeldt of TeleGeography institute analyst says, "But, because the price still is in the United States and Europe,drop in order to compare the rate with other rapid country, the price difference between the area persists possibly still a few years. "

Compare exalted situation to domestic broadband price, the personage inside course of study expresses to TechWeb, governmental price can affect broadband price, in addition carry dimension cost also makes broadband price house high do not fall. But to specific carry dimension cost, this personage does not have further explanation.

Although " Internet uses endowment cost to at least 20% come 30% drop space " sound is incessant Yu Er, but Chinese Internet uses endowment fee very tall still, only Beijing rate wraps lunar price to be as high as 138 yuan of RMBs for the common ADSL of 1Mbps. Analytic personage expresses, after telecommunication recombines to be finished formally, broadband cost is expected to drop.

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